Cyns Shadowland
Art • Books • Writing
This is a page where you can read short stories and chapters in Cyn Bagley's newest work. Also a chance to tell Cyn to keep writing.
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Live Streamed on February 19, 2022 3:43 PM ET
February 19, 2022
Chronic Illness

Let's talk about medications used for Vasculitis

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What else you may like…
February 26, 2022
If I Loved You

Sometimes I sing.

If I Loved You
January 26, 2023
Not using this one now

You can find my work on my substack (non-fiction)
or patreon (fiction)

September 07, 2022
My original plan in locals

My original plan in locals was to put chapters of my drafts, but when the word count was too low, I had to re-think the plan and I quit putting content up on this account-- except for poetry and youtube videos.

So now I am writing my creative fiction essays and chapter drafts at [email protected].

Since I am still here on this platform and I do have at one subscription, I will make sure that any of the free content will get here as well. I have Monday Coffee Klatch on Patreon.. Depending on my schedule I might change that on the day.

So toodeloo-- and keep writing

Turn Around, Bright Eyes

Turn Around, Bright eyes via @YouTube #blog #post #lifeofleo

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